Questions and answers

  • What Does Tayammum Mean?

    Tayammum is the Islamic term for “dry ablution”. This is the type of ablution performed when clean water is not readily available, or it is not feasible for a person to perform regular ghusl or wudhu because of medical reasons…

  • What Does “Ghusl” Mean?

    Ghusl literally means “bath”. In cetain circumstances Muslims are required to bathe completely with clean water as a means of purification. This ritual bath in Islam is called “Ghusl”. The circumstances where ghusl is required include (but is not limited…

  • What does Wudu Mean?

    Wudhu is the ritual ablution in Islam. It is the act of washing or wiping specific parts of the body with clean water, which Muslims perform prior to certain acts of worship (primarily Salah).

  • Do All Muslims Pray the Same Way?

    No. There are many different denominations within Islam, and the mothod of offering prayers by certain denominations may differ from that of others. For example, the Ja’fery Shia method of offering prayers is different from that of Hanafi Sunnis. These…

  • How Often do Muslims Pray?

    There are five daily obligatory prayers. These are the dusk prayer (Maghrib), night prayer (Ishaa), dawn prayer (Fajer), noon prayer (Zuher), and the afternoon prayer (Asr). Besides these there are a few other prayers that should be performed only on…

  • Is It ‘Revert’ or ‘Convert’?

    Both terms are correct. However, often people who convert to Islam often call this a “reversion” as opposed to a “conversion”, because of the understanding that Islam is simply the extension of our innate human nature (fitrah). Because of this,…

  • Who are the Ahlulbayt?

    “Ahlulbayt” literally means “People of the House” (‘Ahl’ means “people”, while ‘bayt’ means “house”). Its meaning in context of Islamic vernacular is “members of the household of the Prophet”. The Ahlulbayt are one of the two most important sources of…

  • Who is Allah?

    Allah is an Arabic-word for: The One and Only Deity/ God, Islam is the only religion that can describe themselves as True-monotheists, why? In Islam, we do not believe in anthropomorphism (i.e. attributing human-facets to The Divine One) In the…

  • Why The Holy Qur’an Cannot Be Given To Any Non-Muslim?

    Question: Our heavenly book, Qur’an is a spiritual guide and mentor to different kinds of people and human societies. To achieve this purpose it is essential that it should accessible to all the people of the world (irrespective of their…

  • Why It Is Forbidden To Read The Deviated Books?

    By: Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi & Ayatullah Ja’far Subhani Question: When Islam is the religion of knowledge why does it forbid reading deviated books? Answer: Without any doubt Islam is the religion of learning and knowledge and it encourages people to…

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