Questions and answers

  • Greatest fear of the rulers: Fadak today, Caliphate tomorrow

    It is evident from the dispute over Fadak that Hazrat Fatima Zahra (s.a.) held the upper hand. In fact she staked her claim with such forceful arguments and irrefutable testimonies that according to some reports, the ruler of the time…

  • Why Fatima Zahra preceded Ali in answering the oppressors during the attack

    Why Fatima Zahra (s.a.) preceded Ali (a.s.) in answering the oppressors during the attack When the oppressors attacked the house of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (s.a.), they found themselves confronting her (s.a.), rather than Ameerul Momineen, who was their real target.…

  • Why the Ahle Kitab were criticized for building graves

    The skeptics condemn the Shias for building structures / shrines over graves and worshipping inside these shrines. Their central argument revolves around the tradition related by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) concerning the actions of the Jews and the Christians in…

  • Why Allah punished the Muslims with Yazid

    Yazid was possibly the biggest punishment on the Muslim nation. This is clear from his heinous crimes like killing of Imam Husain (a.s.), catapulting fireballs on the Holy Kaaba and plundering of the sacred city of Medina. How did such…

  • What is the verdict of Islam on using strong language against the enemies?

    Among the frequently debated topics is usage of strong language against enemies of Allah and Aal Muhammad (a.s.). Some are of the view that we should show restraint in the matter and avoid abusing and attacking genealogy even of the…

  • Why the Prophet’s companions did not join Imam Husain against Yazid

    Why the Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) companions did not join Imam Husain (a.s.) against Yazid The skeptics reject the notion that the Battle of Karbala was a conflict between truth and falsehood. They dismiss it as a battle between two personalities /…

  • Ameerul Momineen was NOT PLEASED with the previous rulers

    Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) was NOT PLEASED with the previous rulers Muslims like to claim that there was perfect harmony between Ameerul Momineen – Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) and the usurpers of caliphate and Fadak. They maintain that the ‘caliphs’…

  • Why Ali did not avenge the killing of Fatima Zahra

    Why Ali (a.s.) did not avenge the killing of Fatima Zahra (s.a.) The skeptic’s intent behind this line of questioning is to deny the attacks. If there had been an attack, Ali (a.s.) would certainly have avenged the killing. Since…

  • Was Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) uninterested in caliphate?

    The Muslim majority maintains that others were more eligible for caliphate than Ameerul Momineen, Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.). In their view Ali (a.s.) was not interested in caliphate, so whether superior or not, due to Ali’s (a.s.) own lack…

  • Who was Yazid?

    In order to learn more clearly as to how far the views expressed by Imam Hussain (A.S) about Yazid are indisputable according to the history of Islam, one should refer to the following remarks of Mas’udi in respect of Yazid.…

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