Islamic Laws

  • Importance of Salat al-Jama’ah (Congregational Prayer)

    By: Allamah Syed Muhammad Husain Tabataba’i Salat Al-Jama’ah (Congregational Prayer) It is mustahabb for all Muslims to recite al-salat al-yawmiyyah in the form of salat al-jama’ah. The thawab (Allah’s reward) for salat al-jama’ah is several thousand times more than the…

  • Reward and recompense of Sawm (Fasting)

    By: Allamah Syed Muhammad Husain Tabataba’i The sawm is one of the Furu’ al-Din (the duties to be performed according to Islamic Shari’ah) of the holy religion of Islam. It is wajib upon every mukallaf to have sawm in the…

  • Islam keeps the concept of the scales of justice in the forefront

    By: Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Jalali As humans, we should always be aware of the scales of justice. If you ask a dictator why he is oppressing people or doing a certain “evil” action, he will always give you a reason…

  • The Rules of the Bay’ (Selling)

    By: Allamah Syed Muhammad Husain Tabataba’i The Bay’ (Selling) What is bay’? The bay’ (selling) means the sale and exchange of a property with another property in a way that the owner, who is ,called “the seller” of the merchandise…

  • The Great Importance of Confession in Islam

    By: Allamah Syed Muhammad Husain Tabataba’i The importance of confession: The role of confession in re-establishing people’s rights which are being trampled upon and are not being taken care of in a society is self-evident, because an action – which…

  • Halal Eatables and Drinkables

    By: Allamah Syed Muhammad Husain Tabataba’i In the holy religion of Islam, anything which could be eaten and drunk is known as “halal” except a few of them, some of which are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an and some others…

  • The Ghasb (Usurpation) according to Islamic Shari’ah

    By: Allamah Syed Muhammad Husain Tabataba’i Taking the property of another person and owning it without any legitimate reason of possession and forcibly occupying the property of another person in order to benefit from its profits without the intention of…

  • What is the role of Islam towards children?

    By: Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Jalali What is the role towards children? In Islam, marriage entails responsibility, and one of the main responsibilities is raising children. This is not necessarily just an Islamic principle, it is a human principle. For example,…

  • Re-Cultivation of Barren Lands

    By: Allamah Syed Muhammad Husain Tabataba’i The term applies to the cultivation of a land which is not used (Whether it has never been cultivated before or it has been cultivated at a time, or it has become demolished and…

  • Denunciation of Ancient Customs on Death of Sons and Loved Ones

    By: Second Martyr, Sheikh Zayn ad-Din Ali ibn Muhammad al-Jabil Amili Translated from the Arabic by Yasin T. al-Jibouri Arabs during the jahiliyya, who had no hope for “divine rewards”, nor did they fear any divine penalty, used to urge…

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